Report Without Delay

Thank You for Reporting Without Delay!

We appreciate your candidness in promptly bringing this matter to our attention.

Rest assured that your identity and the information you are sharing or reporting will remain Strictly Confidential, as provided in our DDW Whistleblowing Policy, together with such other rights and privileges intended to protect you.

Before proceeding to report the matter, please be informed that the Whistleblowing Policy and this facility does not tolerate malicious, false/untrue, made up, or fictitious representations to intentionally create trouble or discredit personalities or organizations/institutions. If the reported information or shared incidents are found to be such, the party responsible will be held accountable and be subjected to appropriate sanctions.

You may now report the matter either through any of the following:


Online Form – (CLICK HERE)

* Recommended if Reporting from Outside of Drydocks or Using Personal E-mail Address.




A letter in a sealed envelope marked as ‘Highly Confidential’ and addressed/sent immediately to:

Internal Audit Department
Travel Centre Building
Drydocks World - Dubai
Jumeirah Road, Dubai, UAE
P.O.Box 8988



Phone call using the following hotlines:

+971 (0) 4 345  5827
+971 (0) 4 404  4881